Subject to Availability

You'll see a few specifications that we keep fairly vague as far as what exact spec we will use. Mostly these are the more generic items. This is to keep some options open for us as parts availability is not consistent still here in 2024 (believe it or not). We have to use different brands of some products to keep the flow going, and get bikes to customers on time.

Some of the key products, on occasion, are also very hard if not impossible to get. When we build our specifications, we check availability, but if we list a specification, it may not be available in a month. We often have to substitute a different product than is listed. For these key products, we make every effort to get the brand/model that is specified, but when it's just not going to be available for many months, we offer to use an alternative that is the same quality. This is not a cost saving measure. It is quite a bit more expensive for us to veer away from the plan, but since theĀ  supply chain shut downs of 2020, we've had to adapt.

If you're bike will be subject to specification deviation, it will be reflected on the final quote.

The good news for you is that your bike is almost certain to be done in a timely fashion.

Thanks for reading. - Dan Rodriguez and Erickson Bicycles logos

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