Prep Work:

  1. The brakes work best when the cables and housings have been lubricated. We use a little Tri-Flow in the housing and grease on the cable.
    Cable and Housing

  2. Attach the straddle saddle to the brake cable; normally between 10cm and 12cm above the middle of the canti studs. straddle saddle on cable
  3. Clean all the paint off of the cantilever studs on the frame with sandpaper. Paint on studs Sanding paint off sanding more paint off canti stud paint off studs
  4. Grease the studs and stud threads. grease on studs grease on stud  and threads
  5. Sand the brake pads until you remove the shine. brake pads with shine
  6. With the large Mathouser pads, sand down top and bottom to an angle, so they don't hang off the braking surface. sanded brake pad
  7. A little goes a long way with the coil springs. You don't need large adjustments.
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